Teafy Organic Hojicha Roasted Green Tea


$ 23.99 AUD

Teafy Organic Hojicha Roasted Green Tea

$ 23.99 AUD

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Teafy Organic Hojicha Roasted Green Tea

Premium Japanese tea Blends

    Teafy's Tea offers a range of tea varieties, including Matcha, Sencha, Houjica and Genmaicha, which are top sellers in Japan, Australia & USA. Our tea is made using a unique harvesting method, bead mill technique, and cultivation and steaming practices. This process results in a smooth texture that eliminates clumps and ensures the best tea is produced.

Special Notes:
          Our teas are made using ingredients from the high mountains of Shizuoka, Japan. They are harvested in the spring, lightly steamed, and undergo controlled roasting to maintain their high quality. Enjoy the purity and taste of our teas.

Roasting Tea Master Makoto San comments,
        "I selected ingredients with precision and carefully roasted them to bring out their unique characteristics and ensure the highest possible quality." The sheer volume of tea produced each year allows for consistent quality across the board.

Brewing Instructions

Follow these steps for the best brew.

Step 1

Take 1 tsp (2 g) of tea leaves into an infuser.

Step 2

Pour 200 ml of 90℃ hot water.

Step 3

Steep for 1 minute.

Step 4

Filter the tea leaves and pour into a cup.

Enjoy your hot cup of tea.